Long Live the Queen?

Maybe its just me, but I’m seriously failing to see the necessity of the royal family in England.  England is ruled under a constitiutional Monarchy and has been since before the reign of Queen Victoria.  Literally the Queen of England has no political power whatsoever.  She doesnt have the power to make laws, declare war, etc.  I mean other than living in luxury on the tax payers dime, what is their role in England rule?  And keep in mind the Royal family is not just limited to the Queen, King, Princes and Princesses.  All of their Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Siblings, etc. also hold titles and live in Luxury. 

I was reading an article about Prince William and Kate Middleton, and they were talking about who her ladies-in-waiting were going to be.  Really?  Why do these people need any of these things?  Back in the day, when English Monarchy had absolute power, you could at least see the role they played thus you could understand to some degree the need for such things as ladies-in-waiting.  But now that they have a constitutional monarchy in place, with the Prime Minister actually taking on the roles and responsibilities that a President here in the US would.  And all these people who make up the ruling parties in England are all elected officials.  So again, I ask, other than living in luxury on the taxpayers dime (which by the way, English people pay the highest taxes compared to any other country I can think of)  what do these people do?

Add a comment December 10, 2010

Nice Guy Always Finishes Last

To be perfectly honest, I’m quite tired of feeling screwed over and taken advantage of.  Maybe its my own character flaws that put me in these situations, or maybe I just got dealt a bad hand.   I’m so not one to feel sorry for myself but I cant help but feel exhausted and let down.  Now, this is just the tip of the iceberg, here but to be specific and to shed some light on the subject, I’ll just tell you right now that my brother is mentally disturbed and quite literally psychotic and I’m very tired of my family enabling him to behave in such a fashion.  Long story, short he and I got into a heated argument and he literally vandalized my car in retaliation.  Are there any consequences? No.  When he gave me a black eye the last time he graced us with his presence, were there consequences?  Nope.  All seems to be forgotten in this family.  And I cant help but think if I were to behave like that, my family would be angry at me for a long time.  I called to police on him the last time he was here when he became physically abusive with me, and everyone got mad at me.  With him, everyone walks on eggshells around him.  If he skips out on obligations he’s made, no one is mad because he’s more trouble than he’s worth.  It must be nice to act like an asshole, have everyone make excuses for you, and then pay for you to travel the country while you do nothing but smoke weed, verbally abuse everyone and lie about everything from how you were raised and your childhood to saying that you went sky diving (when everyone knows you wont even go on a roller coster).    It just proves the sayings “Nice guy finishes last” and “No good deed goes unpunished”  ring true.  I wonder if I would be happier if I just acted like a selfish asshole and didn’t care about anyone but myself, cause honestly all the people I can think of that fit the bill seem to be doing just fine without a worry in the world.  Maybe there is no such thing as Karma or the Golden Rule.  Just theories that never pan out.

Add a comment December 9, 2010

Time and Place

So I was watching the Giants Parade and I have to say I was quite disappointed in my fellow Giants fans.  Arnold Schwartnegger came by to say a few words to the Giants and their fans and everyone totally “Boo-ed” at him.  I mean seriously, everyone is trying to celebrate and they cant have the tact to at the very least to just not cheer if they dont like the guy.  It was really inappropriate.  Even I wouldnt boo at a political figure that I didnt like (and everyone knows thats most of the politicians in California).  I may not cheer but I certainly wouldnt boo at them.  There is a time and place for everything; and although when it comes to politics, I may not always adhere to that but come on, that was tacky.   I feel bad for the guy.  I would even feel bad for Nancy Pelosi if she was up there congratulating everyone for their victory.  I mean you could barely hear him talking.  He didnt say one thing political.  And he really gave a great speech in spite of the fact that he was boo-ed through the entire thing.   Honestly, I expect more from Giants fans.  Shame on you.  Its no wonder he took off so fast.  I would too.  I really think people are too hard on politicians.  Even Obama gets a lot of shit for things that aren’t his fault.  Everyone expects instant gratification when it comes to a new president, governor, etc.  It doesnt work that way, guys.  Think about it.  Its just like loosing weight.  You don’t put on the weight overnight so guess what? You’re not going to loose it overnight either.  Same goes with today’s issues, like the economy.  I mean when you’re on a diet, you dont think about all the cheeseburgers and icecream you ate over the last 5 years, you think about the Big Mac you ate last week; but that one burger isn’t what did you in.  Take the economy, for instance; you think about the most recent law, bill regulation, etc that was passed, you dont think about the law or bill that passed 5 years ago that really did us in.  Seriously people, use common sense. Just like dieting, fixing the economy takes time.  Most things cant be fixed overnight.

Add a comment November 9, 2010

Living is Hazardous to Your Health

So I just saw yet another bullshit “Truth” commercial.  Seriously, I’m about done with these ridiculous commercials; particularly these Shards O’ Glass commercials.  I find it ironic that tobacco advertisement seems to be prohibited in any fashion, yet everyother commercial is some alcohol commercial.  And honestly, while I realize there are health risks that come with using any kind of tobacco products, I think people fail to recognize that Alcohol is  a much more serious problem than any tobacco products.  If you think about it, no one ruins their life over a tobacco addiction, you dont end up hospitalized because you smoked too many cigarettes in one night,  no one gets in a car after smoking a cigarette and ends up crashing their car and killing people.   No one becomes incorherent and hallucinates from tobacco withdrawls, and they certainly dont get rounds of tobacco in the hospital. 

And in reference to the lastest truth commercial, talking about taking tobacco products off the shelf because they’re bad for you?  That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.  I have two points to make in regards to that idea:

(1) Alcohol is much harder on your body and much more addictive and can be much more life shattering than any tobacco addiction. 

(2) This is the most important point:  FYI, we’ve used that line of thinking before in the 1920s with alcohol, its called Prohibition.  In case you dont know too much about that era, let me tell you one important fact:

Prohibition gave birth to monsters like Al Capone.  Before prohibition, this man was nothing but a chauffeur.  Keep that in mind when you start buying into the idea of banning tobacco products.

4 comments October 18, 2010


So upon the advice of my Uncle, I signed up for this blog thing.  I figured I should perhaps give everyone on facebook an option to endure my latest soapbox… Anyone who knows me, knows I can go on forever and my views are not always the most popular.  However, I certainly hope at least a few more people than usual will agree with me on this particular issue.  So I caught a glimpse of Bill Oreilly on The View and I must say everyone on that show was a disappointment.  I think Whoopi is an idiot and a hypocrite.  How can you preach tolerance and equality when you yourself will not even allow with any degree of tolerance a person to have an opposing view?  And just a quick message to you, Whoopi, I will occasionally watch your show and I will still watch a show if you’re on it even though I think you’re a moron and probably a closet communist. Also, you really need to recognize that the show is called The View, not Whoopi’s View. 

That being said, on the matter of the whole Mosque situation near (not right on top of) Ground Zero is ridiculous.  The fact that everyone even finds it to be newsworthy, let alone a matter of opposition, is absolutely un-American.  We, as a country that is founded upon the basic principle of freedom, namely freedom of religion in this case, should not discriminate against those of another religion just because a few nutjobs that practice the same religion did a terrible thing.  Honestly, if we were to do that, then we would also be forced to call every German a Nazi, every Chinese person a communist,  every white person in the south a racist, every Irish person a drunk, every black person a theif, every Morman a polygamist, every priest a pedophile, every young person in New Jersey a flaming moron, or every San Franciscan gay.  Its not right to discriminate against a religion or nationality just because there are a few bad apples in the group.  Every group, nationality, race, religion, etc has a a couple, if not hundreds or thousands of well, jerks, to be frank.  And that includes The United States.  This kind of thinking is just wrong.  Now, I recognize this is probably not the general conservative view, but I dont necessarily always stick to the right wing.  I never formulate my opinions based solely on partisan ideals.  I think it would be beneficial to all of us, if we would occasionally consult The Constitution beyond school lessons. If for no other reason than to remind ourselves of what being an American truely means.  Although our history as a nation may not always reflect this, but our country was founded upon the basic priniciple of Freedom.  That means freedom is extended to everyone, not just the ones who look like us or share similar lifestyles and beliefs.  Keep in mind this kind of thinking is what excused slavery and the subsequent racism and discrimination that followed for the next hundred years.  Also, this is the same kind of “logic” that allowed Hitler and his followers to get away with killing millions of people and virtually enslaving the rest.  And that wasn’t all that long ago.

2 comments October 16, 2010






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